Sunday, 16 March 2025

Dancing Queen on Dice Tower

The Dice Tower is the number 1 English-language boardgame media channel. My game Dancing Queen just turned up on their show, reviewed by Chris. This is an exciting moment for me, seeing my game on The Dice Tower. It wasn't a standalone review video. Dancing Queen was reviewed together with several other card games. 

The segment for Dancing Queen was short. When I watched it, my heart sank a little. The video says that you play your objective card face-up, and you play other cards face-down to try to fulfil your objective. The correct way to play is you play your objective card (called your lead dancer) face-down. A key point in Dancing Queen is you don't know what your opponent is trying to achieve, and you must observe and guess. This is how bluffing and feints come into play. If the lead dancer were face-up, the game wouldn't work. No wonder Chris didn't like the game.  

I hurriedly left a comment below the video to clarify. Chris responded quickly. It turned out that he did play the game correctly, just that he explained the game incorrectly in the video. The shot was taken at the end of a round, and that was why the lead dancers were face-up. 

I imagine The Dice Tower must be receiving tons of review copies of games. I'm happy that Dancing Queen stood out enough that they made time to introduce it. It's disappointing that it didn't click with them, but I need to learn to accept that not everyone will enjoy my games. I always appreciate it when people take time to try my games and share what they think. That is always precious and I always learn something. Sometimes when I send out review copies, the reviewer never mentions my games. I do ask beforehand whether they are interested, and I only send review copies if they are. Still, there are some whom I don't hear from anymore. I guess that's part of life being an indie publisher. I need to continue to work on marketing my games and getting exposure for them. 

The international edition of Dancing Queen will be released by Matagot in June. This will be an important opportunity for me to observe how an established international publisher does marketing and promotion. Got to keep learning.  

Dancing Queen segment on The Dice Tower here

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