Tuesday 3 January 2012

Meeples Cafe Members Day Sale (Sun 8 Jan 2012)

If you live in the Kuala Lumpur area, you may be interested in Meeples Cafe's members day sale this coming Sunday, 8 Jan 2012. Games are 30% off. You can sign-up as a member on the day itself. Here are some soon-to-arrive games that you can pre-purchase at the 30% discount in case they don't arrive in time. If they arrive before Sunday, they will be available at the sale.

I don't exactly live near Meeples Cafe, and I usually play at home or nearby - Allen's home or OTK (www.boardgamecafe.net). I wouldn't know what to do with the RM50 worth of vouchers if I sign-off for the RM60 annual membership, but I'm quite tempted by the availability of Dungeon Petz, Power Grid: The Robot, and Ora et Labora. Decisions, decisions...

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